WVU Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources

WVU Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources - Engineering West Virginia Wired - statler.wvu.edu

JULY 2024
Clarus Goldsmith
Researchers at West Virginia University are making strides once again in robotics, one of the fastest-growing disciplines in the Statler College.
College News
Seven students sit around a wooden table for a meeting in the industrial engineering lab

New engineering leadership minor to expand entrepreneurial, management opportunities for engineering students

In the rapidly evolving landscape of engineering education, adaptability and innovation are paramount. Starting this fall, students in the Statler College will have the opportunity to hone their skills with a new Engineering Leadership minor.
Students stand outside in hard hats and reflective fire safety outfits that read 'WVU MINE - FIRE TRAINING' holding a fire hose spraying water and working to put out a fire in the background

New mine safety certificate at WVU prepares next generation of engineering experts

A new first-of-its-kind Mine Safety Practices and Health certificate being offered at the Statler College addresses significant mining industry challenges by ensuring alignment to best practices in industry standards.
More News
Student Achievements
Civil engineering student Ben Opie is kneeling with one knee on the asphalt in the road in front of Trope Hill Road bridge sign wearing blue WVU Statler College t-shirt and shorts with trees and blue sky in background

WV Division of Highways to consider WVU student design recommendations for new Morgantown bridges

WVU undergraduate engineering students have lent their expertise to the construction of new bridges in Morgantown.
Alumni News
Graphic illustration on light blue background with topography lines and gold slash behind cutout portrait image of Conlan Grossman. Text on left reads "Alumni Who Inspire: Conlan Grossman"

Alumni who inspire: Conlan Grossman

The Alumni Who Inspire! program in the Statler College recognizes alumni for their dedication to their professions, our college and WVU. The program was launched in Fall 2023 as a monthly discussion board to inspire future generations of engineers and computer scientists in the College.
Graphic image with WVU Foundation logo at top, and portraits of Erika Cramer, Christine Hayhurst Davis and Dave Gruver on blue background with "Board of Directors" in yellow text at bottom

Three Elected to WVU Foundation Board of Directors

Three WVU supporters with successful careers in investments and executive management were elected to the WVU Foundation Board of Directors at its annual meeting, including Christine “Christy” Hayhurst Davis (BS, Industrial Engineering ‘07).
Dean's Message

Dear friends and colleagues,  

We hope you're enjoying this wonderful summer. This month, we have some inspiring and exciting updates to share with all of you.

We invite you to read July's feature about the incredible experience and achievements of our doctoral researcher Clarus Goldsmith, whose work earned recognition at this year's prestigious international conference on robotics and automation in Japan. Speaking of student's achievements, learn more about civil engineering student Ben Opie, who led a team that worked with the West Virginia Division of Highways on recommended infrastructure projects to improve Morgantown's bridges.

We are also excited to announce two new programs that provide more academic opportunities for our students. The first program is a first-of-its-kind Mine Safety and Health certificate, which aligns the latest safety training methods with industry best practices to support students from the classroom to their careers in the mining industry. The second program is an Engineering Leadership minor from the industrial and management systems engineering department, designed to equip future engineers with the critical leadership skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving interconnected world.

We eagerly look forward to more shared successes and celebrations with all of you in the coming month!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and Let's Go!

Pedro Mago
Pedro J. Mago
Glen H. Hiner Dean, Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
West Virginia University
pedro.mago@mail.wvu.edu | statler.wvu.edu
EWV Wired is a monthly e-newsletter produced by the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources' Office of Marketing and Communications. Please share your comments and suggestions by emailing us at engineeringwv@mail.wvu.edu.
Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources | West Virginia University
1374 Evansdale Drive | P.O. Box 6070 | Morgantown, WV 26506-6070
PHONE: 304.293.4821 | EMAIL: engineeringwv@mail.wvu.edu

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