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WVU Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources - Engineering West Virginia Wired -

JuHyeong Ryu adjusts wearable sensors in the ergonomics lab.
As industrial systems and their technologies advance, the necessary workforce development to keep U.S. manufacturing ahead of the curve remains a pressing issue. JuHyeong Ryu, assistant professor in the Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Department at West Virginia University is pioneering new ways to implement wearable technologies to address these skills gaps.
Student Achievements
Kara Cunningham, Ian Bird and Zach Houde at the West Philadelphia Avenue and Worthington Drive intersection where the City of Bridgeport recently completed construction on a six-figure public safety project using some of the students’ design recommendations.

WVU students’ recommendations lead to completion of six-figure Bridgeport public safety project

Elementary students, pedestrians and drivers of Bridgeport are safer than ever thanks to redesign recommendations from a group of civil and environmental engineering students at WVU’s Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources. The six-figure project not only enhances public safety but also provided a valuable opportunity for experiential learning and collaboration among students, alumni and faculty.
Raafay Uqaily, left, receives his 2024 Tau Beta Pi Laureate Award from Tau Beta Pi executive council member Henry Houh

First WVU Engineering Honors Society Laureate paves way for future engineers

Raafay Uqaily, a 2023 graduate in biomedical engineering, has made history as the first WVU student to receive the prestigious Tau Beta Pi Laureate Award. Before graduating in 2023, Uqaily’s time at the Statler College was defined by leadership, service and research — qualities which laid the foundation for his laureate recognition.
College News
Chair Jason Gross has been recognized by the The Institute of Navigation with this year's Per Enge Early Achievement and Samuel M. Burka awards

Gross recognized with Early Achievement Award for exceptional navigation research contributions

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Professor and Chair Jason Gross has been awarded the Per Enge Early Achievement Award by The Institute of Navigation (ION). Gross has been recognized for his exceptional research contributions on robotic and unmanned aerial systems with an emphasis on perception and localization.
Pictured left to right: Marilyn Munzer, Tara Robbins and Jenna Edwards.

Academic advisers honored with regional advising awards and recognition

Each year, NACADA, the global association for higher education academic advising, honors individuals and institutions making strides to improve student success programming.
Alumni News
Graphic illustration on navy background with cutout image of Ginny Thrasher on right and text on left that reads 'Alumni Who Inspire: Ginny Thrasher''

Alumni Who Inspire: Ginny Thrasher

This month we’re excited to introduce alumna Ginny Thrasher. Thrasher was pursuing a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering when she won Gold at the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics.
Dean's Message

Dear friends and colleagues,  

During the month of February at the Statler College, we have many things to celebrate. As dean, none are more rewarding than recognizing and engaging with our engineers and computer scientists during Engineers Week. And in the spirit of recognition, we have many notable accomplishments from our faculty, students, and alumni to acknowledge.

In this edition of EngineeringWV Wired, we celebrate our students, faculty, and alumni for their initiatives in breaking boundaries and leading the way! For example, JuHyeong Ryu, an assistant professor of industrial engineering, is advancing U.S. manufacturing by developing wearable sensors that assist workers and machine operators with motion safety training. Additionally, our civil engineering students took the initiative to design a safer intersection in front of an elementary school, contributing to the improvement of the local community.

Faculty, staff, and students have received several prestigious awards. Raafay Uqaily, a recent biomedical engineering graduate, was the first WVU graduate to receive the prestigious 2024 Tau Beta Pi Laureate; mechanical, materials and aerospace engineering chair Jason Gross earned the Per Enge Early Achievement Award by The Institute of Navigation for his exceptional research contributions on robotic and unmanned aerial systems and senior academic advisory Marilyn Munzer received the NACADA Region 3 Excellence in Advising — New Advisor Award. Congratulations to them all.

Through our Alumni Who Inspire Program!, I am thrilled for you to learn more from our own Olympic Gold medalist and biomedical engineering alumna Ginny Thrasher. Her insights from being a regular WVU student to a world-famous air-rifle gold medalist from the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics is truly inspiring.

I couldn't be more proud of our Statler College community and their drive to succeed and explore new frontiers. Each month brings more exciting accomplishments from our students, faculty, and staff, and I can't wait to share them with you next month!

Let's Go!

Pedro Mago
Pedro J. Mago
Glen H. Hiner Dean, Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
West Virginia University |
EWV Wired is a monthly e-newsletter produced by the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources' Office of Marketing and Communications. Please share your comments and suggestions by emailing us at
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