FALL 2023
A West Virginia University research team is working on ways to eliminate the rampant human-made radio interference from cell phones, televisions and radar systems that can block the detection of radio signals by astronomers.
In the event of a power outage, no one wants to be left in the dark. Researchers in the Statler College are joining a project led by Illinois utility company Commonwealth Edison to develop algorithms and technology to fortify power grid systems, allowing for better flexibility and security during extreme weather events.
With the ongoing threat of cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, West Virginia University is launching plans for a cybersecurity range — a specialized software and hardware facility for education, training and research — with $750,000 in grant funding support from the United States Department of Education.
With teaching assistant professor Tom Devine, Moriah began envisioning a brand-new cybersecurity capstone concept: research that exposes drones to cyberattacks in order to figure out how to protect the drones from attacks that are real – and hostile.
The WVU robotics team, based at the Statler College, is the best in the world.
Graduating with bachelor’s degrees in computer engineering and computer science and a master’s degree in software engineering, Downey spent his career architecting and implementing complex technical solutions for state and federal government agencies, academic institutions and commercial entities ranging from small to large corporations.
Dear friends and colleagues,
As we approach the end of the fall semester, we also look forward to the festive spirit of the holiday season. Make sure to take some moments to rest and recharge as you prepare for this special time. We are excited to share important updates from the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, highlighting our strong commitment to student success and advancing research.
Our excellent faculty has played a significant role in driving growth within WVU engineering's interdisciplinary research program, which focuses on convergent research in AI, health, energy, radio astronomy, cybersecurity and biometrics. We're proud of the combined efforts of our students, alumni and faculty, all contributing to our goal of making positive changes in the world.
Anurag Srivastava Raymond J. Lane Chairperson of the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources West Virginia University anurag.srivastava@mail.wvu.edu | lcsee.statler.wvu.edu
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