WVU Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources

West Virginia University roboticists are working on an alternative path to robot autonomy in Loopy, a “multicellular robot” composed of a ring of individual interconnected robot cells.
For fiscal year 2024, WVU crushed its record in externally supported research expenditures with $275 million — an 82% increase from five years ago.
With $1 million in NASA funding, the WVU Statler College is preparing its undergraduates and students across West Virginia to build the robots that will build the future.
The Statler College proudly announces the promotion of Marc Seery and Dave McPherson to leadership positions in the college’s information technology department.
Launching a satellite into space takes a lot of planning. From development to operations to Federal Communications Commission regulations, successful missions go through extensive design and test phases before anything leaves the ground. Mechanical and aerospace engineering students Isabella Hart, Sam Blair and Evie Harper got hands-on experience this summer through the University Nanosatellite Program in New Mexico, a collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory and NASA.
WVU students are enriching their college experience by exploring exciting opportunities — and occasionally finding joy in the unexpected — thanks to private scholarship support.
Eight WVU students earned Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships to travel abroad without financial constraints.
The Alumni Who Inspire! program in the Statler College recognizes alumni for their dedication to their professions, our college and WVU. Launched over a year ago, the program is a monthly discussion board to inspire future generations of engineers and computer scientists in the College.
WVU alumni and friends contributed a record $282.6 million during fiscal year 2024 to support high-quality education, meaningful research, world-class patient care and outreach programs that benefit the Mountain State and beyond.
We're going live for a Q&A with WVU's own Emily Calandrelli! Hear all about her journey from engineering classrooms to zero gravity, and get the inside scoop on the Statler College alumna's upcoming mission that'll make her the first WV woman in outer space.
Dear friends and colleagues,
I hope the fall semester is off to an excellent start for all of you! We are thrilled to welcome our students, faculty, and staff back to campus. This month, we have some inspiring and exciting updates to share with all of you.
In this issue of EngineeringWV Wired, we invite you to read about the excellent work of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni Professor, Yu Gu and his team, who have developed the robot Loopy — a "multicellular robot" that adapts its form organically to the environment. In addition, our new undergraduate robotics engineering program recently received $1 million in funding from NASA to provide state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories as well as support for K-12 outreach programs. Congratulations to mechanical and aerospace engineering students Isabella Hart, Sam Blair, and Evie Harper and their faculty advisor Andrew Rhodes, who gained valuable hands-on experience this summer when they were one of eight universities selected to participate in the University Nanosatellite Program in New Mexico.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank our loyal alumni and friends. With their support and record-breaking generosity, we continue to strongly support our students and faculty by providing high-quality education, advancing cutting-edge research, upgrading and renovating our laboratories and creating more experiential learning opportunities in the college.
I am excited to start the fall semester and look forward to celebrating more accomplishments from our students, faculty and staff with all of you next month!
Thank you!
Let's Go!
ABOUT THIS EMAIL EWV Wired is a monthly e-newsletter produced by the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources' Office of Marketing and Communications. Please share your comments and suggestions by emailing us at engineeringwv@mail.wvu.edu.