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Civil engineering student awarded scholarships

Paul Mattox and David Donaldson

West Virginia Department of Transportation Secretary and Commissioner of Highways Paul Mattox (left) presents ASHE scholarship to David Donaldson.

A West Virginia University engineering student was recently awarded scholarships by two state engineering associations.


David Donaldson, a junior civil engineering major received a $1,000 scholarship from the West Virginia Society of Professional Engineers and a $2,000 scholarship from the North Central West Virginia Chapter of the American Society of Highway Engineers.

In March, Donaldson was selected into the 2016-17 Laurel Chapter of the Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society.  He was one of 65 WVU students selected to the senior honorary for exemplifying excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership and community service. 

Donaldson is the treasurer of the WVU’s Engineers without Borders and organizes community service projects for the West Virginia Botanic Garden and Decker's Creek Cleanup. He is an undergraduate transportation research assistant in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources and will work at Atkins Engineering in Austin, Texas, this summer.           



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