MEDIA ADVISORY: Statler College to host Females in the Field Engineering Challenge Camp hosted by Halliburton and Middle School Engineering Challenge Camp
The Statler College will host two Engineering Challenge Camps the week of June 16.The Statler
WHAT: Females in the Field hosted by Halliburton, is a camp specifically for female, high school students, with activities on topics ranging from mine safety, drone flying, and dam design. 20 campers from 7 states will b e in attendance.
For middle school students, Assemble the Adventure will immerse campers in activities showcasing how engineers create products and processes to help people have fun. Highlights include activities related to skiing, amusement parks, arcades, and virtual reality. 31 campers from 3 states will be attending.
Females in the Field is sponsored solely by Halliburton, and the other Engineering Challenge Camps are co-sponsored by EQT and the Statler College, and in part by Halliburton, Assurant and Northeast Natural Energy.
Tuesday, June 18; 2:00-4:00 p.m., G114 Engineering Sciences Building (Main atrium)
Drone programming and flying
Campers will work with Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty member, Dr. Guilherme Augusto Silva Pereira, to fly drones through a designated obstacle course.
Thursday, June 20; 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., G3 Engineering Sciences Building
Breadboarding and Arduino activity
A WVU Lane Department alum, Jared Bartrug, will lead campers in an activity about coding Arduinos to create light patterns that react to music playing at different frequencies.
HIGHLIGHTED ACTIVITIES: Assemble the Adventure Middle School Engineering Challenge Camp
Tuesday, June 18; 10:45-12:00 p.m., G114 Engineering Sciences Building (Main atrium)
Challenge: Snowshoe design
Camp counselors will work with students to design and build a snowshoe with everyday items to explore the principles of surface area. They will test their design by walking across an enclosed area filled with packing peanuts to simulate walking on snow.
Thursday, June 20; 2:45 p.m.-4:30 p.m., 205 Mineral Resources Building
Challenge: Pegboard pinball machine
Campers will design themed pinball games out of pegboard and create obstacles using various simple machines and household items.
Friday, June 21; 2:45 p.m.-4:30 p.m., G114 Engineering Sciences Building (Main atrium)
Challenge: Amusement park build
Working as a project-management team, campers will design a large-scale model to simulate an amusement park. Campers will divide into teams focusing on rides, utilities, services, etc.
Complete camp agendas can be found online at
CONTACT: Statler College Outreach and Enrollment 304-293-0399
cas 05/31/19For more information on news and events in the West Virginia University Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, contact our Marketing and Communications office:
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