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Tian named Stuart and Karen Goodman Faculty Fellow

Cutout image on left of Yuhe Tian smiling, text on right reads 'Stuart & Karen Goodman Fellow: Yuhe Tian' on a light blue and yellow background

Assistant professor of chemical engineering Yuhe Tian has been named the Stuart and Karen Goodman Faculty Fellow, bolstering her promising research in the areas of sustainable chemical processes and design (WVU Illustration/Kaley LaQuea).

Yuhe Tian, assistant professor of chemical and biomedical engineering in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University, has been awarded with the recently established Stuart and Karen Goodman Faculty Fellowship. 

Story by Kaley LaQuea
Graphic illustration by Kaley LaQuea


"I am incredibly thankful to Stu and Karen Goodman for establishing the faculty fellowship to recognize one of our outstanding tenure-track faculty," said Statler College Glen H. Hiner Dean Pedro Mago. "Yuhe is an excellent faculty member, and she is truly deserving of this honor. I'm excited to see her continued growth and success in the College."  

Tian’s impact extends far beyond her lab, and she’s inspiring a new generation of process systems engineers to pursue their dreams. Whether leading seminars on data modeling or mentoring aspiring researchers, she embodies the spirit of mentorship and collaboration that defines the Statler community. 

 “I am very honored to receive this title,” Tian said. “The support of this fellowship is great motivation to continue my research on developing advanced computational approaches for sustainable energy and chemical process systems.” 

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Statler College and the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department for their continued support of my career,” she added. “I have been privileged to be in a very collaborative research environment with great mentorship and colleagueship.”  

Tian’s research focuses on systems approaches for modular process intensification, sustainable energy systems and advanced operational optimization. She’s passionate about advancing strategies for next-generation manufacturing processes. 

“These predictive modeling, optimization and artificial intelligence-based methods are becoming increasingly instrumental as we pursue energy transition and digitalization,” Tian explained. 

Tian received her Ph.D. in chemical engineering in 2021 from Texas A&M University and her bachelor’s in chemical engineering from Tsinghua University in 2016. She joined the Statler College as a faculty member in 2021. 

“We are delighted to establish this fellowship to recognize one of the rising stars in the Statler College Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Department,” said Goodman. “During her tenure at WVU, Yuhe Tian has distinguished herself in both teaching students and conducting research.  We are proud to support her career and continued professional growth.” 

The Stuart and Karen Goodman Fellowship, named after chemical engineer and Statler alumnus Stuart Goodman, and geology and Arts and& Science alumna Karen Goodman, is awarded to a scholar whose work shows exceptional promise.  

Stuart Goodman’s extensive 35-year career with Shell took him from Texas to Brunei and many other overseas assignments where he served in various senior leadership roles. He earned his master’s from the University of Houston and Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas. Karen Goodman began her career in the oil and gas industry and then continued with a successful career in commercial financing after completing her MBA from Louisiana State University. 

The fellowship is a testament to Tian’s contributions in the growing field of sustainable chemical process designs. This prestigious fellowship provides not only financial support, but also access to an extensive network of fellow researchers, providing invaluable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange. 

The Statler College has 10 established faculty fellowships, generously supported by our loyal and dedicated alumni, aimed at enhancing the success of our faculty and enriching the student experience.



Contact: Paige Nesbit
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
304.293.4135, Paige Nesbit

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