WVU’s Ordel Brown wins regional advising award
Ordel Brown.
Ordel Brown, teaching assistant professor in theFundamentals of Engineering ProgramatWest Virginia University, is the recipient of the National Academic Advising Association’s Region 3 Award for excellence in advising.
The award, which will be presented at the organization’s conference in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, in April, recognizes individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated
with outstanding academic advising of students or outstanding academic advising
“So much of what we do in the freshman program at WVU is designed to get our students on the right track for a successful future in engineering,” said Brown. “Beyond advising students about their courses, majors and careers, I help students manage the challenges of transitioning from high school to college, navigate the nuances of college life and prepare for successful careers. I take a holistic approach to advising and it is one of the most gratifying parts of my job.
“I’m honored to receive this award and humbled to be recognized by my students, colleagues and professionals who value the importance of academic advising.”
“Dr. Brown's passion for helping students achieve success is tireless,” said David Wyrick, associate dean for academic affairs in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources . “As part of the Fundamentals of Engineering program, she plays a huge part in giving our new students the confidence and skills to succeed in both their academics and in their future careers.”
Robin Hensel, assistant dean in the Statler College, concurred, adding, “Dr. Brown cares deeply about her students as whole individuals. She is passionate about helping students develop their personal vision and helps them set goals and create a plan to achieve those goals. She works with her students when they struggle and has implemented innovative programs to help them gain confidence, cultural competence and success skills.”
In addition to advising an average of 180 students per semester in the Statler College, Brown is the faculty co-advisor for the National Society of Black Engineers, which has become one of the most active and engaged student organizations in the College.
Brown also leads the Academy of Engineering Success or AcES Program for at-risk students. The week-long summer orientation program is designed to help at-risk students jump start the semester. Brown also worked to create a study abroad service learning course focused in her home country of Jamaica.
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