Peng edits new book on ground control in mining
Syd Peng
Syd Peng, the Charles E. Lawall Chair Emeritus of mining engineering at West Virginia University, has edited a new book on ground control in mining.
Peng has contributed extensively to the understanding of longwall mining operations and surface subsidence due to ground control in underground mines.
“It has been 10 years since the publication of my last book on ground control and since then, considerable advances have been made,” Peng said. “This book presents some new developments that were not covered previously. The book was written by 24 authors, all leading ground control experts, from three countries—China, the United States and Australia—which are the top three coal-producing and consuming countries in the world. The book focuses on advances over the past decade in an attempt to educate students and those working in the industry regarding current research and practices in the field.”
Subjects covered in the book include longwall mining, roof and cable bolts, pillar recovery in room and pillar mining, computer modeling, surface subsidence and structural engineering approach in practical ground control.
Peng has written numerous textbooks and journal and proceedings articles in the areas of longwall mining, ground control, surface subsidence and respirable dust. He initiated the annual international conference on ground control in mining in 1981 and served as senior editor of the conference proceedings. A member of the National Academy of Engineers, Peng has received numerous awards including the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Erskine Ramsey Medal and the Medal for Excellence from London’s Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He is a member of the West Virginia Coal Hall of Fame.
He joined West Virginia University in 1974 and was appointed chairman of mining engineering in 1979 until 2006. He served again as interim chair in 2015.
The book, which has a release date of June 1, 2017, is being published by Elsevier and is currently available for preorder.
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