It’s getting hot in here: WVU engineer improves efficiency of U.S. energy infrastructure
In the United States we throw away a lot of energy.
In the United States we throw away a lot of energy.
The Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University has selected 26 incoming students to receive the inaugural Incoming Statler Engagement and Leadership (ISEAL) Scholarship.
Humans are naturally social creatures. As infants we intensely look at the faces of our parent or caregiver not only to memorize what they look like, but to connect the face with the voice.
Aubri Paredes’ day doesn’t begin like most of her fellow classmates. As a member of the Army ROTC at West Virginia University, her day begins with ruck marches, pushups, pullups and cardio training all before the start of her 8 a.m. Design of Productive Systems class.
Each year the WVU Academic Advising Council at the direction of the Provost’s Office selects honorees for the Nicholas Evans Awards for Advising Excellence in recognition of outstanding advising and mentoring provided by faculty and professional advisors at WVU. The awards are in honor of Dr. Nicholas Evans, a lifelong proponent and exemplar of undergraduate advising at WVU.
Though she started her career at WVU as a chemical engineering major, senior Soofia Lateef decided to stick around for an extra year to complete her dual-degree inphilosophy.
Students who have exceeded classroom boundaries and demonstrated an unwavering commitment to solving complex global challenges and serving others—among them a distance learner with autism, a gymnast and an alternateMountaineer Mascot—will receiveWest Virginia University’shighest student honor, theOrder of Augusta.
A mining engineering doctoral student in the Statler College is investigating separation techniques for the removal of radioactive and hazardous materials from rare earth elements, chemical elements in Earth’s crust that are essential ingredients in modern technologies such as cell phones, rechargeable batteries, GPS equipmentand many defense applications.
Diego Cabanillas and Xochitl Hernandez both have dreams of pursuing careers in engineering, but they also desire connection in a community that shares their same background and goals.
The Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University has established a new committee to advocate for the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) of students, faculty and staff in the Statler College.